Live Well. Laugh Often. Love Much

Thoughts. Silliness. Life as I see it.

Monday, February 06, 2006

How well do you know me?

Where did we meet:
Toni: At a restaurant on Washington Street in Salem where I sat there wondering "What is so very wrong with this nice girl that she is dating Tim?" :p
Mikki: Fourth of July @ my old house
Tim: Hcpro

Take a stab at my middle name:
Um, Nelly?
Eek... um...something that begins with M??

Do I believe in God:
Either yes or you are agnostic. I don't recall ever hearing you say you didn't believe.
I dont' think so
Yes, me. But not in any omnipotent diety.

How long have you known me:
Um, I'll take a guess at 4 years.
Two and a half years
The whole time. About three years.

Do I smoke:
Certainly not!
Crack, daily but not cigarettes.

What was your first impression of me upon meeting:
stated above :p
I thought you seemed really nice but you were very shy and it's hard to be shy in our crowd! LOL And, I thought you must be a bit weird to be dating Tim... ;-p
NIPS!!!! And the hair

Color of my eyes:
Goodness, I don't know. I'm guessing green to go with the red hair....

Do I have any siblings:
I don't believe so...

What's one of my favorite things to do:
Run or hike. Cook nummy vegetarian food.
go running, read, write, play with Myra puppy
Laugh. All the time.

Do you remember one of the first things I said to you:
Hi. :p
you didn't say much that first night! But I do remember you telling me that you were a Harry Potter fan! :-)
When is my ezine deadline again? ;-)

What's my favorite type of music:
I honestly don't know!
depends on what you're doing, I think - for running, definitely something hard
Chick music and cock rock. (leads to baby rocks and pebbles if you leave them alone in a room together)

What is the best feature about me:
You are very positive and almost child-like (like me!). You are the only person who understands my relationship with the Chocolate Moose. Well, maybe Mikki does too. :p
Physical or personality? physical, that wonderful pale skin you have, I'm so jealous!! Personality, you are very funny and kooky, and you are loyal.
The hair.

Am I shy or outgoing:
Shy around big groups of new people, but outgoing one on one and amongst friends.
I think you are a bit of both, depending on the circumstances
Mostly shy but occasionally both.

Am I a rebel! Or do I follow the rules:
You are a rebel, but you fool everyone into thinking you follow the rules...
Again, see above answer :-)
You rarely skip class, miss deadlines, or speed while driving but you frequently sing and dance in public.

What's your favorite memory of me:
when you emailed all of us to tell us you just spewed tic tac sediment all over your desk. I laughed A LOT. :p
Just hanging out, being silly! :)
The Kiss. And the First Night.

Any special talents:
The creation of that fabulous mexican pie thingy.
Amazing writer, very funny, good at advice :-)
>:) Several.

Would you consider me a friend:
a very good friend
One of the best I've ever had.

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be:
Smelly! I use it all the time!!
Well, obviously Smelly Kelly :)
Woman! or Red.

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?
Tim. He's a thing, right?
Hmm.. either running shoes, a journal, or Tim ;-)
A very long book.


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