Live Well. Laugh Often. Love Much

Thoughts. Silliness. Life as I see it.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

moving life forward

The best cure for frustration and unhappiness? Progress. Moving life forward. That is exactly what I have been doing, especially with work.

Sue has been on vacation this week, and she asked me to be point person for her while she was gone. I know this has been part of a test from her, to see if I can handle more responsibility, to see if I would be able to handle the job she is creating-- a job I told I am very interested in.

She was very happy with my work, and realizes she can count on me to fill in for her, that I know how to get things approved and just generally do good work. She left me a message at one point, thanking me for all my hard work, and that she knows what to expect now. It was something to the effect of she has her answer now. And today, I was updating her on the status of some projects, and she said, she has no worries about any of the projects I am working on.

So, I know now that if her position is approved, the job is mine.

And today...I heard back from Legacy. They want me to come in for an interview. I am definitely interested. I don't necessarily want to job hop, but even if I got the Sue job, OHSU is still a tough place to work at, with lots of drama and politics and such. But I put $60K as my current salary on my Legacy application, and they are interested in talking to me.

Either way, there is a pay raise in my future. Since everyone wants to steal the OHSU employees, I know I am desirable, plus I know I am qualified. I could get them to pretty much max out the offer, or if Sue's position is approved, that would probably be a $5K pay raise, because it would be a step up.

I feel like I am moving things forward again, and not staying stuck in a bad place of complaining about my work but not doing anything to make it better. So I feel like I am in a much better place about things.


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