1. whats your favourite colour to wear?
soft green or turquoise blue green
2. ever been on a cleanse? if yes how was it benefit wise?
Yes, but not intentionally, I needed a colonoscopy, so I couldn't eat for two days. At first, I felt lighter and like I was getting rid of all the bad stuff inside of me, but then I started to feel sick and weak.
3. what is your favourite healing choice? ( eg western, massage, homepathics etc)
Hm. I only really know western, but I've always figured Eastern methods of healing have been around a lot longer, but I think you have to find the right people for that.
4. 5 things u love about u?
My hair, my positive attitude, my ability to set goals for myself and achieve them (like moving across the country), my playfulness, and how much i can love
5. name one present u got for christmas last year?
My super soft light green and dark green scarf with sparkles, I love it!
6. when was the last time u swung on a swing?
Hm. Would have been when we were playing with myra at the school...a month maybe?
7. does your inner child come out to play? if yes name a few things it likes to do?
All the time! Swings, spins, flies when it is windy, running to playgrounds, playing hopscotch, dancing really silly, reading kids books...
8. U were walking through a beautiful park , people everywhere laughing, playing having a beautiful day and a child walks up to and hands you something. U open your hand and u see a ?
( what is the first thing that comes to mind)
A dandelion. I thank the child, smile big, and put it in my hair
9. have u ever sucked helium out of a balloon and talked?
Of course, it is fun to sound like daffy duck! But doing it all the time and wrecking your brain cells is just stupid
10. do u sleep easy?
I am part cat, so I can fall asleep almost anywhere, but sometimes it is hard for me to fall asleep at night, or stay asleep. I have such vivid, and often violent, dreams, that sometimes it is hard for me to get back to sleep. But naps, always
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