Live Well. Laugh Often. Love Much

Thoughts. Silliness. Life as I see it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Last meal and fresh start

Last night, I had a little bit of everything I won't be able to have for the next six weeks....basically all junk food. Had a veggie burger and fries, shake and then had a donut from Krispy Kreme. I did this partly because I knew I would feel gross afterwards, and would not want to eat sugar or crap today. It worked, almost too well, because my stomach hurt...but it also made me even more excited for this diet.

I picked up a bunch of fresh produce at the farmer's market, did my online grocery shopping last night, and now everything in the house is healthy. I know one thing, at least right now, it is time consuming figuring stuff out, because I have to read the labels of everything. Herbal tea, dressings, etc. I would find dressings that sounded good but had wheat or sugar in them, some hot cereals that I thought would be ok had wheat in them. But with the wonders of online grocery shopping, all the stuff I picked out last night (fortunately New Seasons allows you to see ingredients of most of the things you order online) will be in my order for next week. I also bought an anti-inflammation diet cookbook, because I am going to need some ideas so I don't get bored.

Bring on the healthy!

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At 4:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, sweets, I wish you so much good luck with this. I did south beach phase 1 and those first few days can be difficult. I also think you're totally brave for taking on such a restrictive diet. I don't know that I could do without fake sugar. I love sugar. Sugar is my friend, but since I'm pre-diabetic, I have the fake sugar all the time. The problem is I don't like plain water. It grosses me out. Can't drink it unless I've just walked off the surface of the sun and there's nothing else available. So, I live on the flavored water and diet coke.

I could live without wheat and all the other stuff -- I've done that, but I gotta have my fake sugar grape water.

So GOOD LUCK and color me impressed!

At 7:36 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Savannah, thank you! If someone (well, Tim) were to eat sugar in front of me, it would be hard to say right now, but I was actually getting away from the fake sugar before this, it tasted like chemical to me, not like sweet.


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